Thursday, June 25, 2015

{ the basic truths of shamanism }

Basic Truth ONE
All power comes from within - (We are all equally connected to our source).
Everything has power and all power is equal. Just the levels of which the person can control the power makes it look like some are stronger than others. Power comes from authenticity. This means you must have faith or trust in your own authority/ability. In other words be confident.  One must be grounded and centered.  It is very important to understand that your personal power comes from within and it is not outside of yourself.

Basic Truth TWO
Everything is relative and connected – (Microcosm / Macrocosm – Interconnectedness is truly universal).
In other words, cause and effect. You can not do anything without it affecting something. Positive thoughts and energy have positive results. Negative thoughts and energy destroy positive results. Example: If you attempt to control a force of nature/spirit world it will rebel. Nothing likes to be controlled. You need to learn to work as an equal partner with all. Man, nature, and the spirits are all connected for we all are all made of power.

Basic Truth THREE
The Shaman’s world with its 3 planes, Upper, Middle, and lower (read about them on page 35-36 in Celtic Shaman) is what you make it(We operate on all dimensional levels, even though our energy is focused primarily on the physical)
This reflects upon your ability to use your power to understand that there are no limits to what you can do. In other words, the Shaman that says I can do this is the one that can.

Basic Truth FOUR
Effectiveness is the yardstick of ability – (Self assessment and introspection are a key foundation and life is about building a sustainable foundation of practice).
If you make it happen then you have gained the skills to make it happen. Just because you couldn’t make it happen doesn't mean that it can't happen. It only means you may not have found the right way yet. Do not get down on yourself just because you have not yet accomplished something.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

{ Om }

Om (or Auṃ [ə̃ũ], Sanskrit: ॐ) is a sacred sound and a spiritual icon in Dharmic religions.[1] It is also a mantra in Hinduism,Buddhism and Jainism.[2][3] In Hinduism, Om is a spiritual symbol (pratima)[4] referring to Atman (soul, self within) and Brahman(ultimate reality, entirety of the universe, truth, divine, supreme spirit, cosmic principles, knowledge).[5][6][7]
The syllable is one of the most important symbols in Hinduism,[8] and is often found at the beginning and the end of chapters in theVedas, the Upanishads, and other Hindu texts.[7] (source)
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