"The circle stands for the macrocosmic, unknowable Spirit of God, the fullness (the Pleroma), from which all revelation evolves, and which embraces all creation. From the circle, the triangle evolves, meaning the divine spirit in its threefold revelation as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. From the Holy Spirit evolves the “square of the building”, the embodiment of the divine idea within the substance." ( source ) ( related )
{ circle, square, triangle }
July 24, 2015
"The circle stands for the macrocosmic, unknowable Spirit of God, the fullness (the Pleroma), from which all revelation evolves, and which embraces all creation. From the circle, the triangle evolves, meaning the divine spirit in its threefold revelation as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. From the Holy Spirit evolves the “square of the building”, the embodiment of the divine idea within the substance." ( source ) ( related )