I like, you, am drawn as an expert by experience in living this life. My path, your path, unique to discover the purpose and harmony of the soul while lending our own unique songs to the chorus of that which has given us life, breath, being.
Each of our paths, the tapestry thread of the universal experience, varied and wildly assorted to create that which is all life, breath, being.
If we are to delve deep into these breathes of life, the various purposes and come up with a single word that would encapsulate the harmony, the union, the yoga, the religion of the soul what word would that be?
Love. "What if our religion was each other? If our practice was
our life? If prayer was our words? What if the temple was the Earth? If
forests were our church? If holy water - the rivers, lakes, and oceans?
What if meditation was our relationships? If the Teacher was life? If
wisdom was knowledge? If love was the center of our being." - Ganga
Yet, this word, this fire, this passion, this word of love has measures if not respected properly in any given faith to consume ones self, others and give them to the all ashes.
So we establish religions, yogas, or unions, to guide us through the process of making that mystical word that is so far, yet so close, to reveal how we are to harvest it in our individual and collective lives.
Religions become the structure to guide us.
Each one approaching this concept, this love in unique ways in an attempt to unify that flame, the love, which is infinite and can only act to warm a portion of the entire warmth within.
At the core of all of these faiths, these unions of the body to the spirit, a question resonates within deep the soul:
What purpose does your faith serve you?
What is your religion of love?
Does it transcend within or beyond the constructs of established unions?
My own journey has been that of finding the beauty wherever it may be and moving beyond the labels constructed of interpretation of that beauty.
For is not a rose, still a rose, sweet and tender as a flame to the smell, pleasant to the sight, no matter if it is given a label or not?
So if I am to label my faith, I would say I have the union, the religion, the yoga of love; and in that love I find myself made to be able to adopt multiple unions of love adopting that which serves my greatest highest self to discover that true self within, expanding outward, a harmony that sings to the depths of my soul:
The Religion of Love.
Zed Sonder loves discovering love, no matter what belief structure it is found in.
A compilation of the various nature drawn tones, this compilation of audio tracks combines some of the most powerful elements of raising consciousness to the highest level (the Crown Chakra, Sahasrāra, the bliss energy source) including:
- NASA Earth Rotation Sounds.
- Solfeggio 6 Sacred Tones Combined.
- Gamma Binaural Beats.
- Cat Purr (Feline Meditation Chant).
Highly recommended for use with headphones and a focused mind towards the third eye with an emphasis on raising the conscious state.
Breathing techniques from the diaphragm as used in Kundalini encouraged, too.
To perfect the perfect divine is a paradoxdrawn from those that project living as a project to rebel against the rebel that is ones self, a part of all that is, was and always shall be.
True perfection isn't a state that should be for the debate of a time or place, as though a mountain is conquered and upon the peak, offering no more questions of the condition of being the being that we all belong.
To reach such a summit, a place, a heaven sent is to have songs sung and there are no more songs to be sing in the chorus that explored us to become and be beyond the measures of past, future, present divinity.
We shall no longer wait for the heaven or hell to longer be, for in this grey space we realize all is, was and shall be a natural procession of the growth that cannot be stopped, even as energy is neither created nor destroyed, so shall our conscious states never cease to be.
A koan conundrum, this cycle recycles and cycles forth bring forth not death, but life to life, simply in new forms formatting with the exploration of spirits in new designs learning in the complex illusions of time to time in time that that there was never a time.
So what shall we do? What shall we be?
Surely, nothing less than divinity. Seeing all that is life as sacred to be inspired to the collective body that simply needs to wake up to what is already known deep in the recesses of the souls vibration: We are perfect, and in that perfection realize that it's not an exclamation, a final destination that draws our perfection, but rather, acting as a cycle of all living life in the play of life that doesn't end but transcends.
So what shall you do? What shall you be?
The answer is the nature of the question:
What are you? What do you believe?
If you believe perfection to be a single state, a place, a time then you forever shall be chasing a final answer, a final state, a final time that never finds resolution and always just beyond reach.
If however, you believe as I do, that perfection isn't a single state, a place, a time, but rather, awakening to your purpose forevermore in the infinite cosmos by continually awaking your divine voice to sing in the chorus of life that knows no death - then right now, this moment is perfect as are all moments.
For it isn't a single state that is sought. No, rather, it is a removal from the discomforts that taught us to be taut, stretched to know that divine soul within - but without these conditions, without these pains, the perfection is aware of them with gratitude for being given them.
Then ends the suffering, not according to the dictates of a single state, a place or time defined, but an understanding of the authorship of the past, narrative of the present and projection of the future creating from that which appears to be finite, infinite.
This is bliss and the grace that was given to all living life when it was created.
No story told, nor belief sold can separate you from this bliss.
It is the sunset in the morning, sunset in the evening and finding meaning in all of the spaces in-between, the eternal sun that neither rises nor sets forevermore, a state of all dualities becoming one lesson of being that space beyond human constructs.
The sun set, it's just an illusion of the world spinning around - and so are you - always connected even in the darkest of moments, an illusion of something that that is made from the brightest and darkest moments.
Do you realize your divinity?
When you have realized this divinity, your interconnection to all living life, what then?
Well, then, perhaps you begin to take control of your life not according to the dictates of an end game, board game over, from point a to point b, but as a possibility without limits that is a circle, infinite.
Enlightenment is not the single awakening of a single soul guru that will lift us all up, make us feel high in the sky, but rather, a collective consciousness awakening of the body of all existence.
You are still perfect in your sleep, but I am asking you to to perfect your awake states too, with me.
For you are part of my body, divine beings seeking, always seeking, questions without end nor begin.
Let's divine together and perfect the perfect by being perfect in seeking out our life purpose, or dharma breaking beyond dualities known into something entirely, conceivably, unknown.
It's less about the clash at the end, the final statement in a post about pefection and more about the dance in all the hiccups, burps and farts and finding amusement in these things.
I don't want to go to a time period where there are only periods or final exclamations.
It's the questions that draw me and to have them all answered seems imperfect.
Every chakra has a frequency and an associated paired chakra that resonates greatly with it within the body for the purposes of security, communications, empowerment and fulfillment.
By learning the connections between these energy centers we are able to heal various aspects of our life force on the physical (terrestrial) and spiritual (celestial) bodies.
Using the sacred solfeggio frequencies and the brain waves in accompany with a meditative mind, body and heart, greater energy states of consciousness are awakened.
All chakras are necessary in creating harmony and a sustainable life force.
I came to this earth to receive healing. Healing for a heart that desires to grow, a mind that desires to know and a body that desires to carry those passions forward.
Why are you here? How do you find your purpose to discover the healing you need to be made whole, a part of everything that is, was and will be?
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo is a sacred Sanskrit chant that means, "I bow to the divine teacher within."
What teacher are you bowing before?
What are you learning from humbling yourself before this teacher?
What is your spiritual home that will give rise to this teacher?
I used to be afraid of questions, now I am afraid when there will be no more questions.
For it is in seeking the questions that meaning is found and given.
Zed Sonder appreciates the questions of becoming a being beyond human.
The snow keeps falling and keeps calling me to memories that are tickling my present to be unwrapped under the roots of my memory drawn tree.
I sit and meditate on all that has gone on before and what is next for me to explore drawn deeply towards the greatest of my adventures.
In those thoughts, those deep thoughts, laughter is found tickling my belly a movement that seems off from the serious, serious nature of the thoughts that are wrought.
Yet, inappropriately appropriate to balance out all the deep brooding thoughts, those burps, farts and hiccups in the tumbling snow coming, down, down, down.
Laughter breaks up the snow, makes it warmer, though, it's not certain if it warmed or I did. Perhaps we both did?
The climate has changed, climaxing to a tumbling laughter that clears out any thoughts of past frostbiting memories or shivered future projections.
A present.
Healmonics LaughTracks purpose is to bring the joy and harmony of laughter. In this episode those delays that make for an amused life: the Burps, the Farts and the Hiccups that we all deal with in life as we try to communicate our ideas.
Welcome to the joy of laughter on a cold winters day.
Zed Sonder burps, farts & hiccups talk to harmonies yet to be determined.
I have heard many sermons, many words and in few instances great wonders that connected the heart of my soul back to the seeds of it's Divine origon. Such were the ministries done by those given at Celebration City in Portland, Oregon by a minister that goes by the name of Val.
(Sermon starts at 20:20)
This particular sermon helped me regain my faith in the struggles I face, giving them the gratitude they deserve and realizing that nothing we've been doing in our spiritual progression is new, but merely a remixed form of the teachings of the greater masters Christ, Buddha and others had taught so long ago.
In that learning there is a realization that we haven't been tapping into new areas of the brain, heart or the designs of our bodies - we've just been awakening the ancient parts of them.
Zed Sonder is grateful for New Beginnings from Ancient Teachings.
Do you do life or does life do you? Life is a road map and you are creating the roads by every choice you make. This list is my list of resources to create a life of your own choosing. Some may apply others may not be in your best interest. Find out the secret to living the best life from 10 to 1 and beyond...
10. Move Beyond Words
9. Find Purpose in the Moments
8. Recognize the Mirrors in Your Life
7. Enjoy It - Dance, Sing Be a Being of Presence
6. Question it
"For the meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to day and from hour to hour. What matters, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning of a person's life at a given moment." -Viktor E. Frankl author of Man's Search for Meaning
5. Accept that Life will End - Only to Begin Again with a New Game of Life
4. Live with No Regrets
3. Narrate Your Own Life
2. Don't Take it too Seriously - Laugh & Forgive the burps, farts and hiccups
1. Live Your Life Purpose (Dharma)
"I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me."
-Bonnie Wrae, author of The Top Regrets of the Dying
Beyond numbers and lists what are you doing to discover your life?