Wednesday, April 29, 2015

{ happiness }

"The tragedy of human history is decreasing happiness in the midst of increasing comforts." -Happiness
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Saturday, April 25, 2015

{ sexuality and spirituality: discovering cosmic ectasy }

"Sexuality that centers on the genitals and the Lower Dantian (energy center below the navel) corresponds to passionate sex. Sexuality that integrates the sexual vitality of the Lower Dantian with the heart-centered energy of the Middle Dantian corresponds to intense lovemaking. Sexuality that integrates all three dantians corresponds to blissful sacred love. And sexuality that integrates the all three dantians and the Central Meridian corresponds to cosmic ecstasy." (source)

"You are here because of orgasm. Orgasm is energy- the purest, most potent Love energy available. 

You are essentially a bliss bomb. All energy is vibration, therefore, you came from vibrational Love in its most perfect form. There was a collision, an alchemical rhapsody, and then there was You... The Universe was created out of a Cosmic Climax, an explosion of devotion and Love and divinity that is still occurring in this very Now. Perhaps next time you find yourself in physical bliss, you may be inspired to welcome the collective into your nirvana and expand your pleasure for the Whole. Encompass the earth in your orgasm, ignite your prayers with scintillating sweat and allow the natural magic of euphoria to re-align the planet with Truth, Good & Remembrance." (source)

"Physical sex-forms are often very deceptive. Some women are more masculine than the average man, and vice versa, which accounts for much of the phenomena of homosexuality. In all deep-seated friendships between those of the same external sex it will be observed that spiritually one represents the masculine element, one the feminine. And masculine women normally love and marry feminine men. And when such come together, while his physical sex is male and hers female, so that physically he may impregnate her, she is spiritually male and may spiritually impregnate him and beget spiritual children in his brain and soul (that is, thoughts, ideals, purposes, emotions) that change and rule his whole character...

And it will be recognized that the sexual organism, strung with its vibrating and, delicate nerves, is an instrument more perfect than any violin or harp, capable of as exquisite harmonies under the touch of a master. Yet, even as the perfect music is not that which the mere perfection of technique produces, but that into which the true artist breathes his passion and his life, so it is with sex. It is not simply the man of training, the one who knows how, but the man who loves his instrument, and throws the passion and enthusiasm of his soul into the expression, who elicits the divine melody.
All art demands the lover, and sex-art is the art of the lover."(source)

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{ the message of your higher self }

"My soul wants me to know that I’m a powerful woman. I am stronger than I know. But I am strong in a gentle way.

Ebbing and flowing, yet expanding and evolving.

Changing, but not changing me. Becoming more and more me. Getting to know myself in a new way. Discovering parts of me that I never knew existed.

Realizing that what I admire about other people is already in me, I just need to access it.
Realizing that what I don’t care for in other people is already in me, I just need to recognize this to lay it to peace.

Realizing that I can do whatever I want to do—that when I’m authentic and true to myself, everything will unfold naturally as it’s meant to be.

That fear is a sign that I’m on the right path. That rather than feeding the fear or focusing on it too much, I need to recognize it, understand what it means to me, and then move forward.
Not to apologize for who I was, who I am, or who I am going to be. (source)
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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

{ buddhist meditation }

During meditation, when the practitioner finds that his mind has strayed from its subject, there should be no attempt to suppress or forcibly remove the extraneous thoughts. Rather he should briefly take mental note of them and objectively label them with some appropriate term. This may be done by thinking to himself "planning," "remembering," "imagining," etc., as the case may be. Then he should return to his original meditation subject. However, if after several tries the unwanted thoughts persist, he should temporarily take the thoughts themselves as the meditation subject. In so doing their intensity will diminish, and he can then return to his original subject. This same technique can be used for distracting noises. It can also be used for feelings of anger or frustration, which may develop as the result of unwanted thoughts or distractions. In these instances the meditator should think to himself "noise," or "irritation."

As the mind becomes quiet and verbal thinking begins to diminish, other stimuli come into awareness. Among these are sensations, such as itches and minor pains, which are always present but go unnoticed because attention is directed elsewhere. The same may occur with emotions such as worry or fear, and these we shall discuss in detail later. Pictures or visual scenes may arise and are often so vivid as to be termed visions or hallucinations. They often have the appearance of dreams or distant memories and differ from thoughts in that the meditator usually finds himself a passive spectator not knowing when such scenes will arise or what forms they will take. The meditator should first attempt to ignore these sensations, feelings, and pictures. This failing, he should label them "itching," "fear," "picture," etc., and lastly make them his meditation subject until they diminish.

To be successful, meditation should not be an unpleasant experience. Strain and tension should be minimized. Therefore, if the practitioner finds himself becoming tense, irritable, or fatigued during meditation, he may wish to terminate the practice until he acquires a better state of mind.
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Wednesday, April 15, 2015