Saturday, April 25, 2015

{ the message of your higher self }

"My soul wants me to know that I’m a powerful woman. I am stronger than I know. But I am strong in a gentle way.

Ebbing and flowing, yet expanding and evolving.

Changing, but not changing me. Becoming more and more me. Getting to know myself in a new way. Discovering parts of me that I never knew existed.

Realizing that what I admire about other people is already in me, I just need to access it.
Realizing that what I don’t care for in other people is already in me, I just need to recognize this to lay it to peace.

Realizing that I can do whatever I want to do—that when I’m authentic and true to myself, everything will unfold naturally as it’s meant to be.

That fear is a sign that I’m on the right path. That rather than feeding the fear or focusing on it too much, I need to recognize it, understand what it means to me, and then move forward.
Not to apologize for who I was, who I am, or who I am going to be. (source)