Thursday, December 17, 2015

Arcturian Tools: Prana Tube Activation

Sit or stand and feel the energies rushing in from above – focus on how this feels; spend time experiencing how it feels. Now change your focus and experience the energy rushing upwards from the core crystal into your heart space. Experiment focussing on the one flow and then the other - and finally experiencing both flows – energy rushing into your heart space from above and below simultaneously. On a scientific level, it is electro-magnetic energy which is charging your body. Above and beyond this, it is the love of Source and the love of the Earth Mother which floods your body as you focus on your prana tube.


What we wish to stress at this time is this – that when you focus on your prana tube – and when you make the intention to extend it above and below – your ability to ground yourself, to heal yourself and to recharge yourself is magnified exponentially. Moreover, your ability to tune into awareness of your prana tube at will, at any given moment, will give you the power to control your energy field more efficiently. You will be able to expand or contract your Light body more easily when it is appropriate, to activate your Merkaba Light field, and so forth. Tuning into your prana tube is one of your ‘energy A-B-C’s’; it a requirement for your transition into your multi-dimensional expressions on Earth.

We repeat - never let go of the feeling of the heart space when you are focusing on the prana tube - for Love is the most powerful force for healing within you. No energy techniques are truly healing without your ability to be in your heart space. No true transformation within you is possible without Love. 
