Friday, December 18, 2015

Sacred Sex: The Art of Conscious Loving: Reclaiming the Yoni & Lingam

Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the vagina that is loosely translated as
"sacred space" or "Sacred Temple." In Tantra, the Yoni is seen from a
perspective of love and respect. The Yoni Massage is also used as a form of
"safe sex" and is an excellent activity to build trust and intimacy. The
goal of the Yoni massage is not solely to achieve orgasm; the goal can be
to simply pleasure and massage the Yoni. Both receiver and giver can relax,
and not worry about achieving any particular goal. When orgasm does occur
it is usually more expanded, intense and satisfying. Pleasure your
Lover...and Yourself.

The Sanskrit word for the male sexual organ is Lingam and is loosely
translated as "Wand of Light." In Tantra or Sacred Sexuality, the Lingam is
respectfully viewed and honored, as a channel to creative energy and
pleasure. Orgasm is not the goal of the Lingam massage,although it can be a
pleasant and welcome side effect. The goal is to massage the Lingam, also
including testicles and Sacred Spot (prostate) externally, allowing the man
to surrender to a form of ecstacy he may not be accustomed to. The Lingam
Massage allows the man to experience unique pleasure and absorb erotic

Magazine: Yoga Journal
Issue: May/June 1994
Author: Mark Gramunt


"Among the most powerful techniques the Muirs teach are those that enable a man to make love indefinitely by withholding his ejaculation and retaining and recirculating his sexual energy. Men who have mastered this process often report that their passion continues to build from one lovemaking session to the next, fueling the love they feel for their beloved. Before I learned this technique, one man relates, I found myself feeling a certain aversion toward sex, especially as I got older, because I knew it would take me several days to recover my energy. Now I feel endlessly attracted to my sweetheart and perpetually in love.

When a woman realizes that her lover wont abandon her, she can relax and open to receive his love, opening more fully to her own deep sexual feelings as well. When my partner contains the energy of ejaculation, his presence with me brings through a quality of maleness that supports me in experiencing the power of my deep feminine, reports one woman, a veteran of many workshops with the Muirs. I often feel a primal sense of masculine and feminine coming together that makes me hopeful about the healing of gender conflict in our culture.

When couples come to realize that lovemaking can enhance their vitality and empower them in the rest of their lives, sex becomes much more attractive, and their sexual connection is renewed. Right now we only have one avenue for this creative sexual energy, says Charles Muir, It moves downward and outward to create a baby. Tantra teaches us to move the same energy inward and upward to regenerate and recreate ourselves. When people at our workshops unblock the conduits that carry this energy throughout the energetic and physical organism, they're surprised by its power, and they realize it has all kinds of creative uses that aren't sexual at all.


Couples are counseled to revere one another in their lovemaking as god and goddess, embodiments of the divine masculine and feminine. "

Learn More...
Instructional Videos on Yoni/Lingam (NSFW):

Yoni & Lingam-Massage - Die intime Berührung