Thursday, December 3, 2015

Stones For Empaths


Yes, I have a few that will help. As an Empath myself, I know what you are going through. Along with crystals, you may want to shower twice a day, as water helps clean the aura. Another technique you can do is in the morning when you wake up and before you go to bed at night, imagine a white ball of light above your head and allow it to enter from the top of your head and envision it going through your third eye, then down into your throat and have it end at your heart chakra. From there, imagine a green lotus flower blooming out from your chest. Once the flower is open imagine the white ball expanding from your chest and increasing in size. Don’t let it stop growing until it is totally surrounding your being. Once it is around you, I want you to state to yourself and feel the words to be true, “I love myself and I love everyone around me. I am protected from any and all outside energy that is not my own. I am strong. I am confident. I am love.”