Thursday, December 31, 2015

Aquarian Leadership / Aquarian Wedding Ceremony

"The time has come not to search for God, but to be God. Time is not to worship God, but to trust and dwell in the working God."
“Here are the common features of the Age of Aquarius. In their hearts, people will understand what is going on….The walls of hatred will fall down. Instead of ill will and gossip, there will be prayer on the tongues of everyone. Rather than competing for wealth, people will compete for spiritual growth. We will have a common belief of higher self, love for our Creator, and love for our consciousness and grace.”

“The Age of Aquarius recognizes no religion, only whether a person is with experience or without experience. Find your spiritual frequency, your spiritual efficiency and your spiritual existence within you.”

“You must understand that in the Age of Aquarius, each one shall be the leader of his own spirit. Each one shall be the pivot of his own life.”


 Yogi Bhajan said, “The one yoga of all is married life: a deep understanding of a woman, a deep understanding of a man, a deep understanding of human relationship, coordination, togetherness, coziness of the self, and the relationship.”

"Feel the presence of the Infinite God everywhere, in every particle, in every sound, with every breath. It is in this state of complete awareness of the moment that one can have the experience of the Infinite while in finite form. This is true yoga. It is the purpose of life, and the purpose of marriage. Be grateful for each breath you receive, it is God’s gift of life. See God in each other. Recognizing the divine in all is the key to maintaining a neutral and non-reactive mind. When your egos flare up, and emotions surface, that’s the time to remember; each of you is a divine soul!"
