Saturday, January 30, 2016

Healmonics: the Best Teachings Thus Far

This is a collection of my favorite self empowering material collected over the years.  Enjoy.  zs.


"We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." T.S. Eliot - The Four Quartets


You are the best version of yourself right now.  Not yesterday, not tomorrow.  Now.  Embrace it.

You create your self worth in this existence and it is your perception on a conscious level and subconscious level that formulates your reality.

* There is meaning in struggle, pain and suffering - their purpose is to teach us greater lessons about ourselves.

You are the infinite creator of your reality and all consciousness speaks to you if you allow it.

"The Five Universal Truths of Existence:

THE FIFTH UNIVERSAL TRUTH: You will live forever

* You have the all answers within you on this ride, an illusion, that can be changed through love or fear. On this ride you are part of a greater wisdom of an vast infinite energies that love without ends, testifying that we are all travelers here headed to the same place:  To discover our divine nature as God.  As you awaken to this ride, this divine intervention you will find it may be more of a dream that is realized of 75 years of subjective time.

* As you realize your divine purpose and share it with others you realize the need to connect greater to the divine within.   You begin to understand more fully, that life is not a competition against each other, no more than your right arm competes against your left.   You are all made of star dust, the Universe, and that the divinity within each and everyone will be further found with the universal concepts of love.  There is not about being lesser or greater, rather it is about allowing light to shine freely; the conscious connection to be open, thereby giving others the opportunity to let their own light shine to manifest the divine within.

We cannot become divine alone, we are all connected and are of the same eternal source.

"When you survey the behavior, the attitudes and the beliefs of human beings on this planet, it should not be difficult to conclude that people are in many different states of consciousness, they are at different stages of spiritual development. These stages correspond to different degrees of understanding of the spiritual side of life. To give people some sense of co-measurement, I would like to give you a survey of the different stages of spiritual development found on this planet. The following stages cannot be put on a line and ranked from lowest to highest."
-Kim Michaels


The tapestry of the infinite procession of existence is great and varied with pieces that sometimes we greatly desire, others which we would rather burn to fire.

Yet, all of these are a part of us, this great tapestry to learn from and become, be.

As you search for the answers in your own tapestry, with whatever you believe - or don't.

May the light and love of the infinite beyond live within you.

Sat Nam

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Spirit, Mind, & Body Resources for Making Neurochoices

Go beyond Awakening the Brain to learn more about Dr. Charlotte Tomaino's incredible findings in first-hand articles and videos that dive deeper into the connection between science and belief.
This section will contain articles under four categories: Cognition, Emotion, Physical & Spiritual. The articles will provide information on brain related issues for each of these. There will be a blog question that will be an outgrowth from each article. These dimensions of us are all interrelated and one affects the other. Emotion affects our cognition to focus or distract us. Spirituality brings meaning and power to our thoughts, uplifts our emotions and expands our physical wellbeing.


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Thursday, January 28, 2016

the Self

The Self is existence, the feeling 'I am', awareness, spirit, the immaterial non-spatial
consciousness within you. Self existent, unborn, eternal.
Christos (Christ-consciousness), Allah, the Tao, Buddha or One Mind,
Wahe Guru, Atma, Paramatama, Brahman, Ein-Sof, etc
are simply different labels by different traditions for the Self.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Natural Law - The Real Law Of Attraction And How To Apply It In Your Life


In this empowering presentation, and on this web site, the following
concepts and ideas will be deeply explored:

•  The components of our own Consciousness•  How to recognize Truth and Deception•  The Emotional Polarities we experience in our lives
•  The differences between Magic and Sorcery•  What a healthy or destructive Worldview looks like
•  The basic nature of Good and Evil•  The basic nature of the problem we collectively face as a species
•  The forces of Dark Occultism at work in our lives
•  The multi-faceted methods by which human consciousness is manipulated on a daily basis
•  The underlying agenda of those performing the manipulation
•  What Natural Law is and how it contrasts with the law of man
•  What Sovereignty and Anarchy really mean
•  Grassroots Solutions that anyone can employ to begin to turn the tide and heal the damage that has been done to our ourselves and our world

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Mystery Teachings Occult Books

These five books were written by J Michaud PhD, an advanced member of this Secret Order, during the last century for the benefit of all seekers after Truth.

The author wrote six occult books during his lifetime which are now almost entirely unknown. They were published by the UMA Press in London between 1939 and 1950, and it is now very difficult to obtain any printed copies of them. For this reason five of them have been re-published in HTML format free-of-charge on our affiliated websites for all to read and study online in their own time and at their own pace.
Each of these remarkable books reveals several of the true laws and principles of occult science. Much of this information has never been made available to the public before. Even if you choose not to apply for membership of this Secret Order, these books can be of enormous personal benefit to you if you study them with an open mind and your full attention. You can read more about the author and his books on the website of
The Golden Star

The Golden Star

Aptly described as "A BOOK FOR INITIATES", The Golden Star expounds the most ADVANCED OCCULT TEACHINGS, never before revealed to the public, yet in such a fascinating manner as to hold and extend the interest of the novice.

The book is written in the form of a story, in which two Egyptian pilgrims, Ma-u and Ma-uti, are conducted through the higher and lower planes by Neteru-Hem, a Messenger from the Divine. During their journey they are gradually introduced to the true laws and principles of the Universe.
During their remarkable journey, the two pilgrims are taught about the real nature of matter and spirit and the ways in which these two entirely opposite principles are interwoven. The many subjects covered include the origins of the universe, witchcraft, magic (both black and white), spiritualism, the inhabitants of the four elemental kingdoms (Gnomes, Sylphs, Undines and Salamanders), psychism, clairvoyance and clairaudience, true, spiritual vision, divine inspiration, the occult constitution of man and how to attain cosmic consciousness and oneness with the Divine.
Symphonie Fantastique

Symphonie Fantastique

Nothing quite like this most unusual book, subtitled a 'Diablerie in Four Movements or a Symphony in Words', exists in the annals of occult and mystical literature. Nor do we know of any books in which the sincere seeker after Truth may find the answers to the great mysteries of life and death explained with such simplicity and clarity.

Although the author was an accomplished musician and the narrative closely follows the structure of a classical symphony of four movements, Symphonie Fantastique is nota book about music, but Spiritual Enlightenment and Liberation.
The story is set some 427,000 years in the FUTURE, at the close of the Kali Yuga or 'Black Age', and describes the final battle between the Powers of Light and the forces of darkness which will usher in the 'Golden Age' longed for by so many mystics.
Many of the occult truths you will find in this book have never been so openly stated before. Nor are they more vitally needed than today, when the world is in the grip of wars, disorder and despair and thinking people are seeking answers to the great mysteries of life. This book provides these answers in the form of the shining jewels of the wisdom of the ages; heavenly treasure that all may freely partake of according to the strength of their thirst for Truth and their capacity for understanding it.
The Book of Sa-Heti

The Book of Sa-Heti

This book is about the life of Krishna—the Holy Hindu Saviour and prototype of Christ. It was first published by the UMA Press in London in 1950 and is now almost unobtainable in print. It is now available to all readers for the very first time on the Internet.

The book describes many of the incidents found in the New Testament but enacted 3,000 years previously wherein John becomes Arjuna, Maia the holy Mary, and Christ Krishna.
Here you will find the Sublime Occult Truths revealed in all their pristine purity and radiant beauty. Truths which unveil the mysteries of Life and Death and the secrets of creation and evolution. This book is an intense spiritual adventure for the sincere seeker after Truth and a treasure-trove of wisdom and comfort for every kind of reader.
As one reviewer writes: "This is a royal book: as though the Lord of the high realm had inspired the writer to renew again the forsaken wisdom; the kingly teachings that are true teachings in these days of a planetary Gethsemane when the great truths are crucified, and the illuminated minds dwell within a long Calvary."
The Quest of Ruru

The Quest of Ruru

This book depicts a living picture of the India of 2,000 years ago; drawn with unerring skill and poetic power by the inspired hand of Dr Michaud.

The reader will discover a glittering panorama of gorgeous scenery: of a tremendous 'black' ceremony by an evil wizard; of extraordinary 'Tests', and Initiations into the Arcane Mysteries; of strange adventures; exotic love scenes; of a great Rishi; and of a Master who surely represents the ideal of every Seeker; and—above all—of true elucidations of some of the hidden secrets of the Universe, so far as they may be disclosed.
As one reviewer writes: "The Quest of Ruru is an epitome of the Wisdom of the East. In this book we find many of the choicest sayings of the Rishis—the Wise Sages of ancient India—brought vividly and vitally to life once more in the incomparable prose of Dr Michaud. Here are wise saws for every occasion, witty commentaries upon the vagaries of earthly existence, together with inspired jewels of wisdom which unveil the highest truths and carry the mind of the reader to undreamed of regions of Light and Beauty."
The Teachings of Li Wang Ho

The Teachings of Li Wang Ho

This remarkable book expounds the teachings of a forgotten Chinese Sage of over 2,000 years ago, lovingly restored once more for the benefit of all sincere seekers after Truth and Wisdom.

A Muzchik, in his review for Occult Mysteries, writes: "This is one of those very rare books in any age that can change your life for the better. You do not need to be an occultist or mystic to benefit from the teachings it contains. You do not even need to know much about philosophy or ancient Chinese literature. All you need are an open mind and a thirst for Truth." We agree.
This fast-paced story abounds with enchanting descriptions of the China of 2,000 years ago and its colourful folklore and customs. We are introduced to many memorable characters, including the inimitable Lu-shun, who typifies all the veryworst characteristics of so many seekers after occult 'powers'. Yet, in the end, he is redeemed through the wonderful teachings of the Sage, Li Wang Ho, whose many wise sayings and observations upon material and spiritual life will appeal to every kind of reader.
The book begins by enumerating seven cardinal sins which most of us will have been guilty of at some time. The author does not mince his words, especially in regard to Pride, of which he says "This is an altogether unpardonable Sin and shows an utter absence of Intelligence and Appreciation of the Benevolence of the Gods. For it is only They who can bestow that of which man, in his stupidity, is so proud." No thinking seeker who truly wishes to make spiritual progress will disagree with these true sentiments. But read the book for yourself—we do not think you will be disappointed!
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Monday, January 25, 2016

Alan Watts on Money vs. Wealth

"Money is a way of measuring wealth but is not wealth in itself. A chest of gold coins or a fat wallet of bills is of no use whatsoever to a wrecked sailor alone on a raft. He needs real wealth, in the form of a fishing rod, a compass, an outboard motor with gas, and a female companion. But this ingrained and archaic confusion of money with wealth is now the main reason we are not going ahead full tilt with the development of our technological genius for the production of more than adequate food, clothing, housing, and utilities for every person on earth.
...It is not going to be at all easy to explain this to the world at large, because mankind has existed for perhaps one million years with relative material scarcity, and it is now roughly a mere one hundred years since the beginning of the industrial revolution. As it was once very difficult to persuade people that the earth is round and that it is in orbit around the sun, or to make it clear that the universe exists in a curved space-time continuum, it may be just as hard to get it through to “common sense” that the virtues of making and saving money are obsolete."
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All is Conscious

We have the very mistaken idea that matter is inert, lifeless, dead. We are wrong. 
We observe a cup of water and we think it is dead matter, lifeless, lacking Consciousness. We think the water and the cup are just a bunch of atoms, molecules, and minerals sitting there, and are nothing more. We are wrong. 
Similarly, when we read any scripture, and we read about the elements, we think of physical elements, and that physical elements are dead matter. We are wrong.
Every atom in nature is a trinity of matter, energy, and Consciousness.
Every atom in nature has matter. Every atom in nature has energy. Those we can verify easily. What we do not realize is that every atom also has Consciousness
Nowadays, fortunately—even though it may be too late—finally the scientists are beginning to recognize that this is a fact: that all atoms have Consciousness. As they are performing experiments with quantum physics, they are discovering that the Consciousness of the scientist affects the experiment. When the Consciousness of the scientist is observing the behavior of a quanta of light, the light changes its behavior. If that quanta is not being observed, it behaves differently.

Particles are not conductors by themselves, just like they are not conscious, and most things made of particles (wood, plastic, glass, etc. etc.) are not conductors (and maybe have no consciousness), but each single particle in the universe has an electrical charge and each single particle in the universe has a property, say, C. That property C is the one that allows our brain to be conscious. I am not claiming that each single particle is conscious or that each single piece of matter in the universe is conscious. I am only arguing that each single particle has this property C which, under the special circumstances of our brain configuration (and maybe other brain configurations as well and maybe even things with no brain) yields consciousness.


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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Eckhart Tolle - Enjoying Every Moment (Full Movie)

Eckhart Tolle (/ˈɛkɑːrt ˈtɒlə/ ek-art to-ləGerman pronunciation: [ˈɛkaʁt ˈtɔlə], born Ulrich Leonard Tölle on February 16, 1948) is a German-born resident of Canada,[1][2] best known as the author of The Power of Now and A New Earth: Awakening to your Life's Purpose. In 2011, he was listed by the Watkins Review as the most spiritually influential person in the world.[3] In 2008, a New York Times writer called Tolle "the most popular spiritual author in the United States".[4]
Tolle has said that he was depressed for much of his life until he underwent, at age 29, an "inner transformation". He then spent several years wandering and unemployed "in a state of deep bliss" before becoming a spiritual teacher. Later, he moved to North America where he began writing his first book, The Power of Now, which was published in 1997[5] and reached the New York TimesBest Seller lists in 2000.[6]
The Power of Now and A New Earth sold an estimated three million and five million copies respectively in North America by 2009.[7] In 2008, approximately 35 million people participated in a series of 10 live webinars with Tolle and television talk show host Oprah Winfrey.[7] Tolle is not identified with any particular religion, but he has been influenced by a wide range of spiritual works.[8] He has lived in Vancouver, British Columbia since 1995.[9]
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Together as One.

Without you, there is no me.
I create you in order to create me.
Just as you create me for you.
Yet, there is still just One.
One with a thousand faces.
How gorgeous you are.
How lucky am I?
That we can be here together.
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Friday, January 22, 2016

Swedenborg: the Spirit World

Swedenborg describes creation as made up of two separate and yet coexisting “worlds”: the natural world and the spiritual world. The natural world includes everything you see around you—the grass, the sky, houses, other people, your own body, and so on. The spiritual world consists of the unseen realities that we do not fully encounter until after death: heaven, hell, and the world of spirits in between.
In the spiritual world, people have bodies, live in houses, enjoy community life, and are surrounded by landscapes are like those of Earth, with familiar plants and animals. However, things work very differently in spiritual reality. Everything there is vivid and much more alive. What we see responds to what we are thinking. We always have all the time we need. Particular individuals are only as near or as far away as our thoughts of them, and thinking of a person or place can actually bring us there.

"The most important thing that you can do on this planet -
elevate, transform and illumine your own consciousness."
- Carlos Santana

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Awake: The Life of Yogananda + How to Know God by Patanjali

How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali

 4.34  ·   Rating Details  ·  340 Ratings  ·  36 Reviews
The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali is a major work on the practice of yoga and meditation. Through these ancient aphorisms you will learn how to control your mind and achieve inner peace and freedom. Although these methods were taught over 2,000 years ago, they are as alive and effective today as they have ever been. The 2008 edition has been reset and now has an extensive index for reference.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A Brief Guide to Shamanism

A Brief Guild to Shamanism
What is a Shaman?
A Shaman is defined primarily as a healer and spiritual counselor for his/her community. Shamans sometimes serve other roles within their community, such as; medicine man, officiant of ceremonies, priest, personal guide, and amateur psychiatrist. A Shaman may also work with the spirit world and the unseen energies that consist of our total reality. In many cultures a Shaman is considered to be a community pillar that assists with balancing energies between the living and the dead. In performing such work, there are many practiced ceremonies designed around assisting the healthy flow of energies between our dimensional states of reality. Shamans are also known as people who can enter altered states of consciousness in order to complete their work. The purpose of a Shaman is to be a spiritual servant of their community.
The path of a Shaman is one that is life long. A true Shaman follows this path throughout their life and many times reincarnates to subsequently serve again as a Shaman.
What is Shamanism?
Shamanism is not a religion, but a spiritual path based on community service. Shamanism is believed to be one of the oldest forms of spiritual practice, regardless of what Shamanism was called; its practice and principles predate all known religions. Although Shamanism has undergone some evolutionary transitions, it has remained relatively unchanged.
Traditional Shamanism has usually been found in hunting and gathering tribes. Some of these cultures who have had Shamans in the past are; Native Americans, Australian Bushmen, African Native Tribes, South and Central Americans (Incas, Mayans, Aztecs), Eskimos, Many Siberian Tribes, as well as many tribes within the Oceanic and Asian peoples.
Shamanistic practices can also be found in other cultures that may term their spiritual leaders under different names, but may also observe primarily earth based traditions.
Modern day Shamanism has an eclectic approach and is more in tune with the problems of our present day world. While drawing upon much of the same mythology and practice of the more primitive Shamanistic teachings, modern Shamans work to reform those areas harmful to the human spirit and the health of the planet.
Where Does the Word Shaman Come From?
The word Shaman is an English translation of the Tungus word Saman. The Tungus are an indigenous people of Siberia located in the Altai Mountains. The literal translation of the Tungus word Saman, means, “To know”.  Other research indicates that the word Shaman was derived from earlier peoples, perhaps even the Vedic people of northern India. One such example is that the Tibetan word for a Buddhist monk is Samana.
Regardless of the words true origin, it has come to represent on a global level all that practice Shaman like techniques.
What is the Purpose of a Shaman and how do Shamans Serve their Community?

Shamanic roles vary, according to Tom Cowan, author of the Pocket Guide to Shamanism, some of the roles or services of a shaman are: "…healing the spirit, herbal healing, body work, divination, dream work, soul-leading...." It should be noted that not every Shaman performs the same services. Not every shaman is a healer of the spirit or body. (Pages 23-27) The actual role of a Shaman depends upon the Shaman’s “calling”. Some Shamans are herbal healers, energetic healers, diviners, communicators with other realities, soul retrievers, and light-workers. The role is of less importance than the service a Shaman provides.


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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Saturday, January 9, 2016



Mantra is a mind projection created in either a spoken or mental manner. Mantras can be a word, phrase, syllable or sound. They can be recited, sung or repeated silently in the mind. Shakta Khalsa, in her book Kundalini Yoga, describes mantra as " a technique for regulating the mind. There are many mantras each one having its own quality, rhythm, and effect...Every thought or feeling that we have is on a vibratory frequency. By using mantras we direct the mind into a hight vibratory frequency." For thousands of years, mystics, meditators and yogis have used mantras for mental and spiritual transformation.
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Spiritual Bypassing

"We have had quite an affair with Eastern spiritual pathways, but now it is time to go deeper."

The following is excerpted fromSpiritual Bypassing: When
Spirituality Disconnects Us from What Really Matters
, by Robert Augustus Masters, available from North Atlantic Books.

Spiritual bypassing, a term first coined by psychologist John
Welwood in 1984, is the use of spiritual practices and beliefs to avoid dealing
with our painful feelings, unresolved wounds, and developmental needs. It is
much more common than we might think and, in fact, is so pervasive as to go
largely unnoticed, except in its more obvious extremes.
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Friday, January 8, 2016

The Spiritual Journey in Mental Disorder

During the past 25 years in my clinical practice as a psychologist at UCLA-NPI, Camarillo State Hospital, and the San Francisco VA, I have often found myself face-to-face with individuals who have had delusions similar to mine. I believe that my ability to work effectively with those individuals has been aided by being given a rare opportunity to journey through the complete cycle and phenomenology of a naturally-resolving psychotic episode. Thus, beyond serving as a spiritual awakening, my journey held within it the archetypal gift of the Wounded Healer, providng me with the ability to connect more deeply with persons recovering from episodes of mental disorders.
Based on what I learned from my own psychotic episode, and through my work with other individuals who had similar episodes, integrating such experiences into a personal spiritual journey. It involves three phases:

Phase 1: Telling one's Story
Phase 2: Tracing its Symbolic/Spiritual Heritage 
Phase 3: Creating a New Personal Mythology

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Spiritual States w/out Drugs: Holotropic, Vision Quests + Vipassana

1)     Full deep breaths – make each breath full and deep, breathing into the “bottom” of your lungs so that when you breathe in, your belly should move out a bit.
2)     Continuous, “circular” breathing – the breathing should be done in such a way where there is no gaps in the breath..i.e. you should not be holding your breath at any point.  When your lungs are almost full, you want to turn the breath around and start exhaling.  When your lungs are empty, you want to immediately turn the breath around and start inhaling.  This creates a breath pattern whereby you are always breathing in or breathing out, creating a circle of breath.
3)     Faster than normal – You also want to breathe a bit faster than you normally would.  However, you do not want to breathe so fast that you create tension in your body…your body, and especially your lungs, should be relaxed, without straining, so that the breath can be maintained for a long period of time without tiring yourself out.
4)     Mouth vs Nose Breathing – It is easier to move air quickly through the mouth and mouth breathing tends to be more supportive of emotional release so most people find that breathing in and out through the mouth supports their process better than nose breathing.  However, some people find that mouth breathing is uncomfortable for them in which case nose breathing is fine also.
But, again, after 15 or 20 minutes, everyone’s body will generally find their own rhythm and way of breathing.  There are as many breathing styles as there are breathers.

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