Sunday, March 12, 2017

I Need Love

I AM asking those that read this to send their warming thoughts, meditative hearts, fasts, candle lighting and prayers towards the next deliverance in my journey wherever that journey may take me.

TO ALLOW fear to pass through my being that love may fill the void that fear once had held.

IF 2017 has taught me anything it is that deliverance happens for all of my circumstances by the larger body of living life drawn by the stirrings of the Beloved.

IN SIMMERING my emotional state after being challenged in my forest home, crying many tears I came to the resolution that it shall be gratitude, awareness and sacrifice that will deliver me from all the pains of any circumstance.  

ENGAGING IN self pity, anguish, hatred and victimized thinking will only further entrench me in greater pains. 

I COULD lament on the trials I face, the challenges that have been given but I am choosing higher ground, digging deeper within the dark night of the soul to find the light within.

THE DIVINE is within me and that Divinity, the Beloved, has asked me to sacrifice to know love in wisdom.   This circumstance, along with all circumstances that have created me to this point have all been towards the discovery of that love, that light, that life.

MY LIFE is no more mine than yours - we share separate vessels to transport us all to the same place, that love that gave us breath, life as a traveler headed to the same place back into the arms of that love.

MY STORY is yours.  I was given to this world to learn, grow, become and be with challenges that granted me that opportunity.  Though our challenges may vary, the purpose is the same to bring us back to that love that gave us all life.

WILL YOU pray with me?

I'M VULNERABLE Beloved.   I have given my heart, my soul, my purpose before these, my friends and family of the Universal Life asking that you do your will for me to overcome whatever fears hold me from attaining the dharma life force that is my purpose in this plane of existence.  

I ASK YOU to dry my tears as I bow myself before your feet.  

TO CALL UPON forces greater than words can afford, stirrings from a heart that has been broken many times and made strong as a fist to your Divinity.

GRANT ME GURU of all living love that I might find my peace in the Son that has granted sacrifice to draw us back your light, living life.

MAY I BE appeased with forces of love, only taking from you Mother Earth what is needed and giving my soul to Father Heaven.

PREPARE ME that I may testify of St. Francis's prayer:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


MAY THAT REALIZATION of Love, Divine Love, carry me forward in Hope, by Faith for Love.

