I suppose we can suppose there are chapters to every life lived and given, some more subtle than others.
Me? I'd like to deem I burst open new pages with an urgency to seek out what is beneath.
As such, I am drawing my White Tantra Kundalini practice of years inward from clothing worn outward and breathing colors into my life after 4 years of doing very extensive spiritual journeying starting with the Age of Aquarius and landing here, a voyage with hundreds of postings.
Life has taught me spirituality is a vine of many varied paths and I am hoping to ground down simply enjoying life exploring and conquering fears as needed.
I am waiting to see what this all means - it's very new to me to not wear all white, to cover my head and not draw extensively into a meditative mind.
I'd like to see what colors beyond the black and white there are to experience and express.
No doubt, I have explored both worlds quite extensively - the black tantra energy journey in my youth, the white tantra energy journey in my current.
Now, I just want to add colors, places that seem exotic to me reaching beyond what can be right and what can be wrong, to simply being.
I have a new song to be written, a new journey to be taken.
I now will wait for life to let me know where it is I am to go....