Friday, May 26, 2017


This is where I give the introduction, an induction to that inward projection of that eye, outer, inner, that singular I, which allows me to open my doorways of perception to that hue of you which is you cast from the same source of light that is life that breathes life into both of us.

In reflection.

Someday, when the doors of perception are cleansed and consciousness knows not the boundaries of the womb, nor the quiver of the flesh; we shall, as once perceive the suffering that is mine and I, yours and you, and in this knowledge we shall share in the wisdom of suffering overcome, not individually, but collectively as a single unit of life in the body of the Beloved.

In that space how true the testament of love shall be given when we truly alive and living beyond our bodies boundaries can utter in quiet hushed words reflecting on the pains, sorrows, joys, happiness and all states in between, "I understand."

To understand the authorship of a past, the narration of a present and the projection of a future as one, infinite and eternal round with the purpose to understand Divine Love.

In that Divine Love, life becoming the dream passing in the wake where the judgment for a life lived comes not from without, but within understanding the condition of lessons learned, a life lived and a realization of all living life, light.

What shall be said when you find the wake that passes you from one body to the next?


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the Complex Life at the Edge of Chaos

Life, the complex conundrum which requires a balance somewhere between holding the fires of self guided passion within and holding them without.

To stay warm without being burnt, to warm without burning.  The middle flame in a complex life at the edge of chaos.

No doubt, in my search for my longing for love, in discovering it in once again for the first time, shifting the colors of my life, my name as it is called and then slowing it all down to a calm pulse of paused reflection I find myself in reflection of all that has been burning so much down with passion unbridled.

I've been burnt. 

But the key is to understand that I am not alone in this burning - life is chaos and in that chaos we all get burnt, we all have to sacrifice to discover not what we desire, but what our soul desired purpose is to become. 

In all this pain, suffering, it is my hope that in some way it has unlocked some of that conundrum of the complex lives that have touched upon mine.

That my suffering has meaning to the soul of others, and yours to mine.

“What is to give light must endure burning.”
Viktor E. Frankl,
Man's Search for Meaning

Deep in my heart I know that it does, that there is a purpose to this struggle and that is why I continue to write to inspire sharing this light that is Healmonics.

Most of all, this journey has taught me when I have been pulled taut to simply let go and let the Divine, the Beloved Om reverberate that song which finds peace in the middle of the chaos.


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Thursday, May 11, 2017

the Slow Down

I am shifting down after conquering 730 mile hitch-hiking journey, year long forest life, white tantra spirituality shift, break ups with significant others, state, faith, family and a last name change.

I too, have also felt, as many of you have, the global and universal pulse of frustrations on so many levels.

I too, have spent countless moments wondering what I can do in the wake of the chaotic upheaval.

It leads me to ask that question that presses upon as a cool wind in a starless night - "Who Are You?"
..and in knowing who you are, "What Shall Be Done?" ..and to, in turn answer it by holding space, as there are no simple answers to be had right now.

I yearn for the healing heart of the fourth chakra, the Christ Consciousness and Sacred Feminine to bring me to life anew in the womb of awakening.

I desire in this, to give rise to others lives, too as inspirations from light found.


Meditation, deep reflection is needed.

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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Sacred Androgyny

Underneath the flesh lies the truth: A cosmic astrological compilation of the unified sacred feminine and sacred masculine trying to match the inner world with the outer world.

[ Discover your astrological natal chart and then how much feminine and masculine you hold.]

In discovering this balance the rise of feminism, environmentalism and other isms have taken hold to attempt to answer that balance.  However,  these alone, are not enough to satisfy the balance of the Sacred Androgyny, an union between the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine.

For to replace a patriarchal order with a matriarchal order only presents itself as a new imbalance and disorder of misplaced power.

As such, I do not consider myself a feminist, or any sense of any ist or ism.  For ists and isms are often the containers of ideologies that only shine their light and darkness on a small faction, shadows of the solution.

What we are seeing today is the last cry of the patriarchal order gone out of control, a phallic in decline and out of balance in relation to the matriarch which demands that safe spaces, love and respect for life be given.

I no doubt we will swing, rather soon, to a matriarchal order.   The question is, in this shift do we merely mimic that patriarchal power struggle or, perhaps, break apart these two archs and from their ruin find the unification in the egalitarian?

Consider an egalitarian system based on the Sacred Androgyny where the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Feminine unite:

•  Instead of immediately naming babies, allowing them to find their own name.
•  Instead of taking on a last name of another in marriage, both people create a new name.
•  Instead of assuming the flesh connection, considering as mentioned, the astrological connection.
•  Instead of claiming one gender better than another, allowing both genders to display their greatest strengths - beyond the flesh.
•  Beginning a cultural flush that values as Martin Luther King Jr.  spoke, "by the content of their character."

The pendulum has already begun swinging and I no doubt in my lifetime soon I will see greatly, without question, the complete shift from the patriarchal order to the matriarchal order.

It is my hope it doesn't remain there, that we are to challenge ourselves to find that space in the yin-yang as the ultimate desire - the wu-ji, the Sacred Androgyny, where the female spirit unites with the male spirit and they become one.

 Now, it is not expected for each single person to represent this androgyny, to do so would be to formulate another ists or ism that casts shadows, but doesn't create the greater light needed to solve the problem.

Rather, by focusing on the unification of the Sacred Union, we will rise from the ashes and embrace, each in our own ways, a dialogue that brings growth beyond measure.

Whatever your sacred life chant may be, I hope it brings the Divine Love that is sought in the deepest heart of hearts that we all share.



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