Monday, December 26, 2016

Infinite Chapters: Chapters 1 - 3

The ticket bought, the story taut,
we are the storytellers sought upon
infinite chapters
teachings taught
the sum of the lot:
and actors with action
to be acted upon
each songs chord
affording a representation
of that fractal within
our individual, collective
divine origination.

Chapter 1:  Everyone

Everyone has a story to tell, a quota to fill for the purpose of understanding the complex universe.

Many consume the flesh and it's journey to feel right is the seeking of their inner plight according to the tinglings of a tongue, the smells of a space, the waver of the flesh, the sight of the seen, the words that are heard.

Some afford more to the intellectual mind, designed by the logical learnings, turnings of that which is quantifiable, measurable to be exact.  Theirs is a laboratory of hypothetical compounds measured to be verified, quantified through reason and recordable rhyme.

Others counter react a react of that which is not known, but felt.  Split upon the stirrings of a song that vibrates deep within, a place without beginning or end.  They guide their self by the throws of an emotion caught into an ocean of the unseen rising, lowering by the stirrings of the heart.

All stories are rightly wrong.  For they are stories and stories, even felt upon the flesh, verifiable upon the logic and swept up in the emotion are still just that, stories.

Chapter 2: You

What matters more as these chapters progress from one to the next is not so much the story of these three factors but the take away that resonates because of these three factors - the body, the heart and the mind.

The moral lesson that is learned when mistakes become lessons, lessons become being and being expand beyond so forth and so forth; replicating for the infinite reaches of a universe to simply be, another story with a moral lesson, a point...

That point being that we are, rather, We are Divine.

In regards to that Divinity, I have a story to tell You. 

It has all the elements of a story:  exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution.

It has characters that may or may not resonate according to the archetypes that You have sought in Your own living of life.

Most important, as mentioned, this is not this story at all -
It's that lesson that is learned.

 Let's learn together.

Before You were born, You were.   A being spoken of in a language that was the unspoken and part of a Divine order that was, is and always will be.

In this dimension, time knew no time.  

There was no past, nor future only the presence of being.

All was well.

Then a question arose.  It started as a trickle, tickling the inner of the deepest parts of the self:
"What Am I?"

In hushed tones it roamed all that were teasing it out so it started as a whimper, rose to a roar and ended in a cry.

You were born.

When You were born it wasn't the beginning nor an end, it simply was a progression of always what was and will be Divinity that continues to multiply itself akin to a Mandelbrot Fractal - formulas with neither beginning nor end which loop uninterrupted forevermore.

As part of that Divine Fractal formula that holds the all the elements of Sacred Geometry, Fibonacci Numbers, the Solfeggio Scale and the Sonder Scale; You are part of a formula that is written in all and continues to be written; being understand and uncovered in the nature of Our nature, individually and collectively.

That nature and all this Divineship being held together primarily by 5 elements that form all being:  earth, water, air, fire and æther.

These elements, never destroyed, simply forming into new elements an infinite cycle -
These born of You and all living life.

Yet, here You are in what appears to be in constraints that often feel less than Divine: Yesterday affects today's today and presses forward tomorrows tomorrow - finding that with each passing day since birth Your body one step closer to it's exit.

How are You to find Divinity born into such a temporal condition?

As We are caught in Our bodies at birth there is a tendency in the cultures We share to confine Our hopes, dreams, nightmares, pains, thoughts and all this is to this lone finite body.

However, as we learn to reframe this story becoming the story tellers this dynamic substantially changes.

As the authors of Our past, the narrators of Our present and the projectors of Our future We have the ability to make that which is finite become infinite.

What is the story that You are telling Yourself about Your past, present and future?
What is the archetype that You have adopted?

Do You see Yourself freeing others from the traps of the pains of suffering relieving those in need?
Are You the Hero?

Do You see Yourself trapped and working out ways to trap others so that they may suffer as You do?
Are You the Villain?

Or perhaps, You, like the others play multiple roles with multiple facets learning from Your multi-dimensional self?

In this story that You tell: Are You wearing Your own roles or one that was given to You?

Chapter 3:  Story

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.

~ William Shakespeare - All the world’s a stage

On the day that You were born into this world You were loved, adored, appreciated and welcomed as miracle that was realized as part of a prophecy towards enlightenment.  

On this day that you were given life You knew deep within that you had a Divine purpose.   This Divine purpose and the reason for your being would be revealed a little more each year with a rebirth happening on the 7th year.

For every trial You were given from ages zero to seven, You were reassured, welcomed, warmed, that this was part of the  Divine purpose of all Your Divine Self - a reassurance that came largely from within, a Divine source of unspoken.

At the age of five You were taught one of the greatest lessons, the Christ Consciousness:  That Your body is not separate and the inside energy is directly shared with the pains, sorrows, joys, pleasures of all living life that surrounds You.

Your education being very self instructed.   Those around You giving You the tools and You knowing  the best way to use these tools.

You were told that Your history was Sacred and that You were perfect, nothing need be changed.

You lived a long and trying life that changed the very nature of all life itself.

Idealistic?  Quite.

The power to overcome with such a birth story?  Profound.

Do We try to live this story?  Yes, many do.

Whose story is this?  This is Jesus Christ's story.

Now, suppose instead of trying to live this story word for word and coming up short, You instead, take from it the morals and values of the story and apply them to Your own story, realizing is the moral value, the Divinity that matters behind the story.

Another Story.

You were born into a dysfunctional family. 

You were told unkind things that were not true about the nature of yourself. 

You were given encouragement rarely and had to learn to fend for yourself.

Your parents were pushing forward generations of abuse that they, in turn, pushed upon you.

The education you received was the same education as everyone else in a very formulated, sterile environment.

When you did wrong you were told you were less than perfect.

When you hurt others you were reminded of that imperfection through reprimand.

Your childhood was a living nightmare that held no joy.

Then you repeated this nightmares theme every seven years until at the age of 21 you woke up, looked in the mirror and wondered who in the hell you were and if there was any heaven left in this world.

Now, these two extremes are actually different forms of authorship

Let's visit this story for a third time using the disempowered and empowered stories together.

"I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me."

~ Bronnie Ware - Greatest Regrets of the Dying

You were born.

You were born into a dysfunctional family and learned to function little by little by drawing from the larger family of humanity. 

You were told unkind things that were not true about the nature of yourself and decided not to believe them finding sources that were true to Your  Divine nature.

You were given encouragement rarely and had to learn to fend for yourself.  In doing so you learned to become a survivor and help others survive, too, to find their greatest purpose.

Your parents were pushing forward generations of abuse that they, in turn, pushed upon you.  You decided to not continue this to the next generation and made a conscious effort to root up all the pain, suffering and disparity that had been buried for years.

The education you received was the same education as everyone else in a very formulated, sterile environment.  Most of Your learning was done in living life outside the classroom.  In the classroom,  You challenged established institutions ideas that no longer taught self discovery and accountability.

When you did wrong you were told you were less than perfect.   You didn't believe it.  You instead believed that every mistake was a lesson to be learned upon and in that realized a new ideal of perfection:  learning.

When you hurt others you were reminded of that imperfection through reprimand.  You didn't take it these reprimands personally, realizing that everyone has needs and they were projecting an unmet need upon you.

Your childhood was a living nightmare that held no joy, so You brought the joy to it by rewriting the past as the author of Your life bringing meaning to pain that in turn lets go of suffering.

Life is complex and the formulas for life that have been given here are just stories - it's what you take from these stories that matter.  What have you learned in your story? What are you learning in your story?  What are you learning in our story?  What are we learning in our story?

One of the biggest struggles with discovering a story is this idea that a single formula, an E=MC2 of your story will solve all the problems associated with the struggles of life. The best recover relies on not a single plan, but multiple plans that work towards complimenting each other acting as a quantitative approach, with each aspect holding a small piece of the quality, instead of single source holding the entire burden.

 There is no magic pill, there is no single therapy, there is no single spiritual practice, there is no single solution - all stories are multi-faceted filled with many chapters. If there was anything close to a fix all solution, just as E=MC2 has done, it simply opened the possibilities, not restrained recovery to single ideology or formula.

Little by little we progress in this story with a wide array of tools, some known, others acting as the supporting cast.   All acting towards the understanding of the Divine within.  The play goes on, the actors take stage and a new chapter is given showing that the end, really is just the beginning.

The chapters infinite, the adventure definite and the spaces in-between there and now giving definition to your story, my story, our story.


Catch this and more Infinite Chapters here.

Zed Sonder is working through his version of the Story.