Thursday, December 22, 2016

What Came First, the Patriarch or the Matriarch?

We have ventured down the Rabbit Hole, into the womb of Mother Earth's Nature, into the Dark Unknown and into the Tunnel of Light to discover the Sacred Masculine within.  

These corridors have become unappreciated, worn, tired with time holding the adventures of so many Masculine natures that have gone on before to explore, once again a process and procession to meet the end.

Now, Our seeds planted, the times granted, We are seeing the Rabbit Holes, Mothers Earth's Nature, the Dark Unknown and the the Tunnels of Light giving birth to the Sacred Feminine that for all these infinite eons held that Sacred Masculine be born into the world.

Yang, meet Yin.  She gave birth to You all these years and without Her, the adventures would have never been.

It's time to go within Ourselves, the womb of ourselves and find Her, anew.

Then when, Her story has been revealed, perhaps it won't be so much this, that, a counter react from patriarchal orders to matriarchal orders; rather a unification of the adventuring bodies into one to create a third order - a egalitarian condition that creates the condition of harmony needed to discover Our Divine nature beyond the duality we have supposed during the Pisces Age, giving birth to the Aquarian Age, where there is neither, nor and we simply explore.

But, I get ahead of myself, an eon or two. 

First the Sacred Feminine, the place to which We have held all these adventures throughout the years, regain her purpose, Her place before we are able to partake in the fruits of Her labor.

Then, when We honor Her and Him, We can begin to move forward, upward, outward to be able to see the synchronicity of the Divinity harmonizing beyond the constructs of the dual nature.

For the same energies that bring Fear give Love and to distinguish one for another in the passions of being is an attempt at separating the the shadows from the light when it was the same source that brought them to realization creating both the light and the dark.

Perhaps, it wasn't the Patriarch nor the Matriarch first? 
Rather, the Egalitarian, one in the other, the other in the one holding all the forces of the light, the dark and all the gray spaces in between in harmony in the WuJi, or the center of the Yin-Yang where there is nothing, everything and all is one.

Not one greater than another, simply all great in creating, becoming being, Divine.

What does this look like in every day to day, beyond theories? 

Imagine a world where individuals are judged not by their gender, nor by their skin, nor the cultural implications, but, rather, by the amount of effort they have placed into creating their Divine Self.

That the competitions of culture wouldn't be so much who is the strongest, quickest, fastest, smartest, but rather, be who has truly learned themselves within, the constructs of aligning their body, hearts and minds into one.

Imagine a time when it wasn't about this or that, counter and react, but simply a process of allowing those who have done wrong to make the adjustments by placing them not in confinement as we would savage animals, but rather, a place where they can let go of a past more freely to embrace the present for the future.

Where we don't use brute force to again kill a peace of ourselves to empower the ego constructs and instead dismantle the egos of the Hitlers, Ze Dongs, Pinochets, Leopolds and Stalins before they can be supported and created for the annihilation of ourselves.

Where peace is not just for the hippies, the feminine, but a core value taken by every single masculine person within with honor, in realization that without peace and with our progress of atomic war, we are doomed to destroy all that was, is and shall be.

It starts by honoring the Sacred Feminine and giving reigns to the Sacred Masculine.

By seeing that the far left and far right of our communities are just archetypes of the same matter, just led by different voices making choices that imbalance us all.

There is no us and them.  There is only us.

We create us by creating harmony and seeing all sides of the equation.


Some may call me a dreamer, but I know I am not the only one.

Zed Sonder is dreaming of a peaceful Christmas.