Wednesday, March 29, 2017

( ( ( Life to Life ) ) )

When I had 'awakened' into this particular plane of perception I was 'dead' for over 133 years since the last awakening, had 'died' in 16 other bodies, (9 male, 7 female) lived in 93 homes, (spanning over 12,000 miles) held innumerable archetypes, (ranging from stay at home mother to civil war liberation fighter) been through 38 religions (saved 13 times) and midway through it all experienced life as a Black Labrador to learn the karmic resolution that is resolved as a dog.

So when I tell you that I am tired  - (like most of you having lived two or three times as many lives as me) I was tired.

It only takes so many lives lived before you begin to realize a few things, ticking that make the universal clock talk to the core of your soul in the time lines that you are exploring -

First, and foremost, is that love in all it's infinite forms is the most powerful energy of the universe.

Second, all words, all phrases, utterances, writings, expressions and communications are stories that act as represent ions to understand and discover the values of that infinite love.

Third, until you learn the values of love that your soul desires, you will keep repeating, keep repeating, keep repeating, the same stories in different forms, places, shapes and sizes.

There, of course, are an infinite number of other values that can be learned, but at life 17, I figure I am doing well to focus on holding down 3.

Curious, what values have you learned from your own 'past' lives?

Perhaps, perchance, we can have a tea time, (reminiscent of when I was a Brit in my 12th life musing in that cottage that sat next to that winding road - that however, is a story for another life time.) and discuss the matter, merging our perceptions of what is and isn't - the dreams of yesterdays to the presence tense teaching taut of now?


No time?

Ah, you still must be taken by the illusion of time, too.

Blasphemy, indeed. 

If I could just break your watch...  Which brings me to that tired, turning universal clock, ticking tock imagined that has held so very many of my paths of 'past', 'present' and 'future' lives that tried me true to become tired.

"What,"  might you ask, if you were to desire to ask a question, (and had we had the time for the tea) "makes these lives so tiring?"

To answer your presumed question, I'd answer, "We have and continue to forget our Divine Love."

I, being no exception, cast among the seeing am included in the discourse of this 'we.'   For you see, I am a light in a body, no more, and that light functions from the same projected source.    (The flesh, the bones are mere astronauts suits to carry forth the light.) 

I await not a personal awakening into a single body, this frame, but rather seek out most earnestly when all frequencies of consciousness will be able to find the opening into that higher consciousness.

For what joy is joy, the bliss of the heavens of being if experienced by only the few select in the body of the universe?

So, here I am with a bundle of hope, with faith that somehow, someway we will begin, all of us begin to be a little better about that idea called love.

Cause we are collectively creating this space, each lending a little bit more to that narrative and if I could just tell you, implore you to wake up to your past lives, future selves in the presence of mind, perhaps we can unwind this conundrum contraption that seems to be for many a trap, life.

I'm hoping this life that I just don't get it, but we all start to get it this 'time.'

I'm having faith that the next awakening of perception on another plane will be manifest to that heaven that so many longingly dream of, out of reach, just out of sight; yet before you present right now if you allow that love to become, to be.

You see, you are a seed of Divinity, you and me.  Made from the manifest of love to become, be, Divine.

It's time we take back our Dharma, the karma of that love and face the fears that have founded our degradation for so very long.  

I share my little light, you share your little light and in doing so we illuminate the night as stars cast the shadows depth. 

Me?  I'm done with life to death.  I'm ready for a resurrection from lesser states, fates that have compounded the complications far too much.

I desire a mind like steel, a heart full and a body that explores the very reaches of all that is, was and shall be.

It's only life to life for me now.

Should I fall to the ground, cease that breath, realize it's just an illusion in all this confusion.

Consciousness, like energy neither created nor destroyed.

You always were, always will be.

Earth to Water.
Water to Fire.
Fire to Ash.
Ash to Air.

Life to life.

Love for love.

If you enjoy what you read, please like the facebook healmonics page and invite others to do so, too.


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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Divine Love conquers Cultural Classism

Nature is spoken of.
Nurture is spoken of.
Racism is spoken of.
Sexism is spoken of.

Are you aware of the Ures and Ism's that are unspoken, responsible for all the disharmony in our lives, the root of all of our problems, but are not often addressed?

I am speaking of culture and classism, or cultural classism.

Culture classism, throughout humanities history is what has resulted in the imbalance in the universal order causing needless pain that has resulted in great suffering throughout all time.

It is the roots of Satan, or the uncontrolled ego at large, an illusion that masters you if you do not learn to master it.

Anytime a mind believes it to worth more than another is culture classism.

How do we end cultural classism?

By realizing the roots of it.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
― Martin Niemöller

Fascist Germany and the Nazi parties were lead by Adolph Hitler, but Adolph Hitler by himself was a single man with a loud voice and a horrific agenda.

It was those who began to believe that voice that persuaded them they were better than others that resulted in millions needlessly brought to death.

When we give our power, our authority for others to act on our behalf we are responsible for the actions of that power and authority.

It is only through the beginnings of self governed leadership as promised in the Age of Aquarius that we will begin to be able to break free from the constraints of that ego, Satan.

Some would look to destroy Satan, the ego, only to create more egos from the destruction.

No, we can only conquer the darkness, the ego by owning our own light, thereby becoming masters of the ego.

If we do not learn from the sufferings of the past, allowing light to shine, we shall, as a body of humanity, have to repeat them again until we learn these lessons.

Die Welle (English: The Wave) is a fiction film based on an a actual experiment conducted in the United States called the Third Wave Experiment.

It greatly illustrates the need for education towards the irradiation of cultural classism.

The Third Wave Experiment took place at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California, during the first week of April 1967 by the school's history teacher Ron Jones.

From the wikipedia article:
"Over the course of five days, Jones conducted a series of exercises in his classroom emphasizing discipline and community, intended to model certain characteristics of the Nazi movement. As the movement grew outside his class and began to number in the hundreds, Jones began to feel that the movement had spiraled out of control. He convinced the students to attend a rally where he claimed the announcement of a Third Wave presidential candidate would be televised. Upon their arrival, the students were presented with a blank channel. Jones told his students of the true nature of the movement as an experiment in fascism, and presented to them a short film discussing the actions of Nazi Germany."

The Wave - the 1981 version and modern 2008 films  are essential education towards living life beyond the disharmony of 'us and them' bring forth the very core need for every individual to become leaders unto themselves and only follow those whose fruits are the fruits of the spirit.

"...the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." ― Galatians 5:22-23


What are you doing to take ownership of your self and not allow others to take your power?

The disillusionment of  modern culture is that single individuals have no power nor authority.  This is a lie and it needs to be recognized as such. 

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”― Margaret Mead

All life is sacred, made known, no matter how vast or quaint. 

In this sacred life, realize fascist regimes and cultural classes will eventually fall to become ash to the fire.

The number two most bought fiction book in Portland, Oregon at Powell's Books currently is 1984.

What are you doing to make 2017 to be less like 1984? What act are you celebrating in your dharma to change the way things are? What tanks are you taking on?

You matter.

Every act  that you act upon, every thought that you control shapes the universe that you hold and we share jointly.

Realize that your Divine Love conquers cultural classism and the holds bound Satan, the ego that looks to take away, uncontrolled, the very core of our life:  free will.

Your heart the size of a fist will call this free will and let others escape to give witness to it, too.

Alone and together we will conquer, become and be.

Won't you come conquer with me and find your true divine identity?

If you enjoy what you read, please like the facebook healmonics page and invite others to do so, too.


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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Strength Based Narrative

What is the story of you?  Are you the protagonist or the antagonist?  Perhaps a little of both, a mixed match of a little of this or that?

Me?  I'm a multi-faceted explorer in body akin to an astronauts space suite made of flesh and bone.  My story, like yours is unique, a life only worthy to be led by I, alone with a supporting cast of characters, family, friends and strangers in passing; leading their own story worthy to be told.

In these stories of life we have the ability to play an infinite number of roles, archetypes in every condition, circumstance and situation.

The role doesn't fit?  Now promises you that you have to ability to change it.  Not any other time than now promises this gift, the present.

As we become authors of the past, narrators of the present and projectors of our future, time that was finite becomes infinite.  

In this narrative we become free of time, moving our narrations from tickings of a clock towards the values that all moment from this moment offer.

This is the power of a strength based narrative.


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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist...

"Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist,
Keep on loving. Keep on fighting.
And hold on, hold on,
Hold on for your life."
- Ramshackle Glory

Dalia never showed me nothing but kindness
She would say: “I know how sad you get."
And some days, I still get that way
But it gets better
It gets better
It gets better
Sweetie, it gets better, I promise you
And she'd tell me

Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist
Keep on loving. Keep on fighting
And hold on, hold on
Hold on for your life

Ian built a cabin in the woods to live in
For years, terrifying noises kept him up at night
With a twelve gauge under his pillow
He’s living in Boston now, going to art school
I forgive him
I forgive him
Hell, I’ll admit it: I’m proud of him

Serena’s an architect and a carpenter
She’s such a feminist she says she isn’t one
Because 'Goddamn, my gender shouldn’t matter!'
And her motorcycle glides through the streets of Providence
Down to the warehouse district
The paint job is as stunning as
Her knowledge of medieval building techniques

Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist
Keep on loving. Keep on fighting
And hold on, and hold on
Hold on for your life

This one goes out to Georgios, he knows how to dance
Abby Banks, your book is beautiful
And fuck anyone who says otherwise
Scott, I love you and you make me glad to be alive
I promise that I’m gonna pay you back
You always know how funny everything is
Even when I’m so serious that it’s gonna be the death of me

Like the time that our friend Chuck came over to our house
He said he needed somebody to take care of his pets
Cause he was going out of town
I asked him “Where?” and he said “New Mexico.”
I asked if I could get a ride
He said: “No, you don’t want to follow me
Where it is I’m going.”
He pulled out of the drive way
That was the last time we saw him
Cause he drove straight to his parent’s cabin
And put a bullet in his head

Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist
Keep on loving. Keep on fighting
And hold on, and hold on
Hold on for your life

Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist
Keep on loving. Keep on fighting
And hold on, and hold on
Hold on for your life


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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

I Have Love

I used to believe that I was forced into acting a a certain way in efforts to survive, become and be.

Indeed, even this space, Healmonics in its beginnings became a testament of me attempting to form myself around what I thought to be 'professional'.

However,  the more I explore the workings of life, the more I realize that authenticity and love are needed more than ever in the work environment and indeed, all environments.

The stale, formulated environments do not appeal to me.

While emotions are best simmered, removed from their raw states, I believe they are part of the process of showing authenticity in all environments.

In this all, I believe we crave love, affection and feeling something more than the glowing screens we search for answers upon.

I needed love and I came here to ask for it knowing that my life force is directly connected to all those, especially those that hold me in the title of friend.

I have received.

In gratitude I thank those that sent their prayers to me.  

I realize there is a real power in being vulnerable, stepping out of the closet and allowing yourself to rely on others.   This has been the most powerful lesson of this year and I imagine it to only continue to be learned.

In this all I am still developing theories, spiritual practices to unlock the passages of life.

In doing so I begin to realize we cannot simply follow a leader, a guru or sage.  We must find and become our own leader, guru and sage.

This is the Age of Aquarius's call - to become the leaders among leaders.

In finding this leadership role, I have bowed down to the most humble holding a basket for food donations recently.

I was given money, but refused it, saying I only desired food.

The man that did give me food was not much better off financially than myself.  He told me he gave me the food because I was asking only for food, not money.

This theme of the common man helping the common man was also given when hitchhiking from Bishop, California to Portland, Oregon in February.

I was picked up by mostly run down vehicles with humble drivers who had hitch hiked in the past or had family members hitch hike.

I was blessed to be picked up in an average of 3 hours at each stop.

It was the poor, the meek that picked me up.

So why do we crave riches, prosperity and these pipe dreams of worldly wealth when the wealth of gratitude, awareness and sacrifice isn't in money?

Perhaps, because we wish to please our bodies and not our souls.

While I may be poor in the world, I have riches abounding as a soul of the Divine.  I now know Matthew 5:5, a testament to my heart:
"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth."

 It was when I became submissive to love in all of my struggles that I found love.  It was when I admitted I was in need of help that I found help.   How often have I rejected gifts given to me, only to realize in hindsight that those were the blessings of others - the giver and receiver sharing in a symbiotic connection of love.

I have begun a new journey and it will continue to take me and make me open to greater treasures than I have ever known.

The forest journey, one that took me 9 months in 2016 is on its way to an ending and beginning is a new journey with new formations of self discovery driven by the stirrings of love.

I don't ever wish to forget the forest, nor those that helped me on my journey over this last stretch friends, lovers afar, you are known.

Its time shine with what I have shown, growing from all those shared moments of laughter, tears and stress on the road recently revising some of my works including the Symbols of the Universe.

I have love because I give love and it is in my hope to continue to make manifest all love, in all of its forms.

“Sometimes you give more love, sometimes you need more love. Be with the person you can balance with.”― Elizabeth Bourgeret
in the acts of balance, life & love,


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Sunday, March 12, 2017

I Need Love

I AM asking those that read this to send their warming thoughts, meditative hearts, fasts, candle lighting and prayers towards the next deliverance in my journey wherever that journey may take me.

TO ALLOW fear to pass through my being that love may fill the void that fear once had held.

IF 2017 has taught me anything it is that deliverance happens for all of my circumstances by the larger body of living life drawn by the stirrings of the Beloved.

IN SIMMERING my emotional state after being challenged in my forest home, crying many tears I came to the resolution that it shall be gratitude, awareness and sacrifice that will deliver me from all the pains of any circumstance.  

ENGAGING IN self pity, anguish, hatred and victimized thinking will only further entrench me in greater pains. 

I COULD lament on the trials I face, the challenges that have been given but I am choosing higher ground, digging deeper within the dark night of the soul to find the light within.

THE DIVINE is within me and that Divinity, the Beloved, has asked me to sacrifice to know love in wisdom.   This circumstance, along with all circumstances that have created me to this point have all been towards the discovery of that love, that light, that life.

MY LIFE is no more mine than yours - we share separate vessels to transport us all to the same place, that love that gave us breath, life as a traveler headed to the same place back into the arms of that love.

MY STORY is yours.  I was given to this world to learn, grow, become and be with challenges that granted me that opportunity.  Though our challenges may vary, the purpose is the same to bring us back to that love that gave us all life.

WILL YOU pray with me?

I'M VULNERABLE Beloved.   I have given my heart, my soul, my purpose before these, my friends and family of the Universal Life asking that you do your will for me to overcome whatever fears hold me from attaining the dharma life force that is my purpose in this plane of existence.  

I ASK YOU to dry my tears as I bow myself before your feet.  

TO CALL UPON forces greater than words can afford, stirrings from a heart that has been broken many times and made strong as a fist to your Divinity.

GRANT ME GURU of all living love that I might find my peace in the Son that has granted sacrifice to draw us back your light, living life.

MAY I BE appeased with forces of love, only taking from you Mother Earth what is needed and giving my soul to Father Heaven.

PREPARE ME that I may testify of St. Francis's prayer:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


MAY THAT REALIZATION of Love, Divine Love, carry me forward in Hope, by Faith for Love.



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Friday, March 3, 2017

The Realization Is Near.

More than ever when March came it spoke to me in ways months can speak volumes without words.

It told me that this spring there would be a shift, a realization of the reunion to the Love that is needed to awaken us to our greater state of being, letting the falsehoods and derision begin to crumble before us as the Age of Aquarius liberates us. 

You see, the future, this state, this condition is all manifest on the reality that WE create collectively.

We are the creators. 

The end is not near.  The beginning is not near.

The realization is near.

If this video resonates with you, please share it with those that you Love.

in Love,


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