Monday, October 5, 2015

{ for all light bearers }

Your Gifts of Expansion, Continuous Change, Transforming and Evolving

You are programmed for expansion as this is how the universe works in constant plenty. It is the reason that you do not like labels; restrictions are found in organized religions. You feel it takes away your sacred power. You already know how to work with the universe and creation.

· Letting go of lower energies and thought forms.
· In times of doubt, in becoming more secure in your new foundations of true essence and as your world systems go through many changes, look for the truth in Nature. She will start speaking to you even louder and clearer than before.
· Feel more in your Bodies the way of the sacred divine feminine. By being more aware in your body you will know what is real divine guidance and what is illusion.
· You may need more rest and minerals and properties that assist the body in becoming Light. REST will be needed in between the times when the star gates will bring an influx of energies. Allow yourself to rest even if it does not look like you have been doing much work to the outside world. You are on a sacred path of light that needs to be honored.
· Play more, have fun and enjoy; movement, rhythm, music and dance will be especially helpful. The Blue Ray has been diligent at their spiritual work and it's time for fun.

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