"Love myself and others"
"Do unto others as I would wish them to do unto me."
"My Personal 'Ethics' are more important than Socially or Religiously contrived 'Morals'."
"All things in moderation"
"Try hard not to dwell too much on the regrets of the Past, or the concerns of the Future, always remembering I live in the Present" (In the NOW)
"If something is said or done to instill Fear it is based on lies and illusions."
"Be open to all sources, but use my intuition to filter."
"To learn as much I can learn, do as much as I can do, and be as much I can be."
"Follow no one. Worship nothing. I AM my own guide."
"Acknowledge/recognize the Divine in everyone which makes us all one." (i.e., Namasté)
"There is no separation except in The Great Illusion" ("The Maya")
( Source)