Thursday, December 31, 2015

Four Legal Entheogens for the Spiritual Explorer: Peyote, Ayahuasca, Salvia & DMT

Throughout human history, spiritual seekers have used sacred plants and fungi for healing, visionary encounters, and mystical experience. Though this history has been largely obfuscated by prohibitionist attitudes and misinformation, entheogens — substances that “generate the experience of God within” — hold a special place in the development of world religions and countless spiritual traditions. “Psychedelics,” as entheogens are often called, were not something discovered in the counter-cultural ’60s, but in fact can be traced back to the very dawn of human cultures. Many of the earliest human artifacts — from mushroom shaman effigies in prehistoric African cave paintings to marijuana incense burners in shrines in ancient Europe — depict entheogenic fungi and plants with clear associations to ritual and religious activity. The “foods of the gods” have been with us from the beginning.

Peyote and the Native American Church...
Ayahuasca and the Santo Daime Religion...
Salvia divinorum, the Diviner’s Sage...
5-MeO-DMT, the God Molecule...

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Aquarian Leadership / Aquarian Wedding Ceremony

"The time has come not to search for God, but to be God. Time is not to worship God, but to trust and dwell in the working God."
“Here are the common features of the Age of Aquarius. In their hearts, people will understand what is going on….The walls of hatred will fall down. Instead of ill will and gossip, there will be prayer on the tongues of everyone. Rather than competing for wealth, people will compete for spiritual growth. We will have a common belief of higher self, love for our Creator, and love for our consciousness and grace.”

“The Age of Aquarius recognizes no religion, only whether a person is with experience or without experience. Find your spiritual frequency, your spiritual efficiency and your spiritual existence within you.”

“You must understand that in the Age of Aquarius, each one shall be the leader of his own spirit. Each one shall be the pivot of his own life.”


 Yogi Bhajan said, “The one yoga of all is married life: a deep understanding of a woman, a deep understanding of a man, a deep understanding of human relationship, coordination, togetherness, coziness of the self, and the relationship.”

"Feel the presence of the Infinite God everywhere, in every particle, in every sound, with every breath. It is in this state of complete awareness of the moment that one can have the experience of the Infinite while in finite form. This is true yoga. It is the purpose of life, and the purpose of marriage. Be grateful for each breath you receive, it is God’s gift of life. See God in each other. Recognizing the divine in all is the key to maintaining a neutral and non-reactive mind. When your egos flare up, and emotions surface, that’s the time to remember; each of you is a divine soul!"

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Yoga Nidra - Meditation & Guided Relaxation Training Script

Yoga nidra or "yogic sleep" is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the "going-to-sleep" stage. It is a state in which the body is completely relaxed, and the practitioner becomes systematically and increasingly aware of the inner world by following a set of (audio) instructions. This state of consciousness (yoga nidra) is different to meditation in which concentration on a single focus is required. In yoga nidra the practitioner remains in a state of lightpratyahara with four of his senses internalised (withdrawn) and only the hearing still connects to the instructions. The yogic goal of both paths, deep relaxation (yoga nidra) and meditation are the same, a state called samadhi.  -wiki
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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Kundalini Yoga - Theory

    Yoga Nadis

    Nadis are the astral tubes made up of astral matter that carry psychic currents. The Sanskrit term ‘Nadi comes from the root ‘Nad’ which means ‘motion’. It is through these Nadis (Sukshma, subtle passages), that the vital force or Pranic current moves or flows. Since they are made up of subtle matter they cannot be seen by the naked physical eyes and you cannot make any test-tube experiments in the physical plane. These Yoga Nadis are not the ordinary nerves, arteries and veins that are known to the Vaidya Shastra (Anatomy and Physiology). Yoga Nadis are quite different from these.
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Is the God of the Bible androgynous?

(Start @ 9m15s.)

Elohim (Hebrew: אֱלֹהִים) is a grammatically plural noun for "gods" or "Deity" in Biblical Hebrew. In the modern it is often times referred to in the singular despite the -im ending that denotes plural masculine nouns in Hebrew - wiki
"Then אלהים [Elohim] said, “Let Us [God and Goddess] make Adam in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let [Adam] rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Elohim created Adam in their own image, in the image of Elohim [they] created Adam; male and female [in other words, androgynous] Elohim created [Adam]." - Genesis 1:28
"Consider in thoughtful silence the startling use of pronouns in the above extract from "the most perfect example of English literature." When the plural and androgynous Hebrew word Elohim was translated into the singular and sexless word God, the opening chapters of Genesis were rendered comparatively meaningless. It may have been feared that had the word been correctly translated as "the male and female creative agencies," the Christians would have been justly accused of worshiping a plurality of gods in the face of their repeated claims to monotheism! The plural form of the pronouns usand our reveals unmistakably, however, the pantheistic nature of Divinity. Further, the androgynous constitution of the Elohim (God) is disclosed in the next verse, where he (referring to God) is said to have created man in his own image, male and female; or, more properly, as the division of the sexes had not yet taken place, male-female. "

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Unconditional Non-Duality Love & Non-Duality Definition

In the transcendence of the dualistic perception is the profound love which the nondual sages refer to. The Sanskrit term ananda is often translated into English as "bliss," but the bliss is the consequence of experiencing unconditional love: the word unconditional is defined as "absolute." This is love for all that exists: that means the "good," the "bad," and whatever is in between. It means a love that inclusively makes no distinction between what is manifested from moment to moment, and the omnipresent Totality which manifests it.
Ramana uses various words to indicate the ever-present actuality, such as God or Self, that ti which all things owe their be-ing. So he says, " Expansion of love and affection would be a [proper] term for a true devotee of God," or the sublime Presence. But he emphasizes that thjis infinite Presence "is not 'somewhere else', but is inside [as well as outside] of each of us; so, in loving all, one loves only the Self…The individual is not separate from God."

For both partners, unconditional love means putting the health of the relationship above all else. This is a conscious decision made by both people, and it requires . . .
  • regular and open communication;
  • a willingness to calmly express concerns or hurts;
  • a willingness to make behavior adjustments that don’t compromise your boundaries;
  • a willingness to communicate boundaries;
  • the ability to accept and even embrace personality differences that don’t compromise the health of the relationship;
  • a willingness to continue to work on your own self-awareness and self-esteem;
  • complete trust that your partner “has your back” and you have theirs;
  • the ability to forgive and forget, especially when forgiveness is requested for flaws and failures and there’s a real effort to make change;
  • the firm commitment never to withhold love (or sex or money, etc.) to get what you want or need;
  • the desire to express your love with small daily actions and words;
  • the decision to let go of the “small stuff” that might bug you so you can focus on the best aspects of your partner;
  • the willingness to show extra love and have patience with your partner when they go through periods of difficulty, sadness, or disconnection, knowing it’s a short-lived condition;
  • loving the other for the joy of loving, without thought for what you will get in return.
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What does the word ‘non-duality’ point to?

The world created by thought, the world of words, language, and concepts, is the world of opposites‘Up and down’, ‘this or that’, ‘inside and outside’, ‘right and wrong’, ‘black and white’, ‘true and false’, ‘positive and negative’, ‘me and you’ and so on. The world of words, language, thoughts, concepts, is a dualistic world of apparent opposites. But, in reality, do opposites exist?
What we are really pointing to when we use the word ‘non-duality’ is something that goes beyond all of these mind-made opposites. But how can we talk about something that goes beyond opposites, when even our attempt to talk about non-duality is dualistic?
So, what the word non-duality actually means is really very difficult to describe or put into words. In fact, you could say it’s impossible. For we are not talking about non-duality as opposed to something called duality, we are not talking about pro-duality as opposed to anti-duality.In fact the non-duality we speak of is not the opposite of anything. This is impossible to understand logically or rationally. To see what is being spoken of, we must go beyond our ordinary way of thinking and seeing.
OM‘Non-duality’ is actually a translation of the Sanskrit word ‘Advaita’, which simply means ‘not two’ and points to the essential oneness (wholeness, completeness, unity) of life, a wholeness which exists here and now,prior to any apparent separation. It’s a word that points to an intimacy, a love beyond words, right at the heart of present moment experience. It’s a word that points us back Home. And despite the compelling appearance of separation and diversity there is only one universal essence, one reality. Oneness is all there is – and we are included.
What we are really trying to do when we say ‘non-duality’ is point to life as it is right now, before the appearance of concepts and labels; before thought creates a world of things: table, chair, hand, foot, fear, me, you, past, future. What is life before thought? Can we even talk about that? Is it possible to capture non-duality into words?
When we speak of non-duality it can sometimes seem like we mean ‘anti-duality’, that we are against duality or that it’s wrong or false or even dangerous. This can then lead to dogmatic thinking and religiosity and to the proclamation of rightness: “You are dualistic and I am non-dualistic! I am more non-dual than you!” That is the religion of non-duality. We are more interested in the truth of non-duality
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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Spiritual Threshold

There is a point at which things happen.
Royal River, December 2010Water in a teakettle must reach 100o C (at sea level) before it will boil.
The air temperature must drop below 0o C before rain will turn to snow.
So it is with humans, as well. Most of us will tolerate almost anything (pain, sadness, loneliness) to a certain point. Then we find we no longer can. We have reached our “change” point. We are no longer able stay the same.

The Threshold of the Spiritual World

By Rudolf Steiner

GA 17

This small book contains 16 short sections, each section treating one or another aspect of Spiritual Science. The last section discusses the relation between this book and two others which deal with similar topics, namely Theosophy and Occult Science — an Outline..

In addition, clear and succinct summary chapters are interspersed in between the longer and more detailed sections, making this a very easily accessible book.

It is presented here with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.
Copyright © 1922
This e.Text edition is provided through the wonderful work of:
G. P. Putnam's Sons, London & New York
- See more at:
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Friday, December 25, 2015


feat. Alan Watts
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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Find Your Vibration Frequency

All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. – Bill Hicks

High vibrations are generally associated with positive qualities and feelings, such as love, forgiveness, compassion and peace. On the other hand, low vibrations are associated with darker qualities such as hatred, fear, greed and depression. 
...the higher your vibration is, the more in touch you are with your higher self, inner “God/Goddess,” Divinity, Consciousness, Holiness, Soul, or the many other words out there to describe your true nature.
So with this in mind, what kind of vibration do you have, and how does this impact your life?  

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Gnosis : Knowledge Faith

There is a root from which all knowledge has emerged. Humanity has many names for it; we call it Gnosis.

Any study of world philosophies, religions, and spiritual traditions demonstrates the same 
principles, themes, and symbols. While some have argued that this is mere happenstance or unconscious impulse, the truth is far more powerful: there is ubiquitous symbolism and intent in world traditions because there is one ubiquitous source of all knowledge, but whose true form and meaning is only hazily perceived by the sleeping Consciousness of mankind. Due to this, messengers arrive from time to time to clarify the One True Source: messengers such as Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Quetzalcoatl, Krishna, Moses, Fu Ji, and many more: all of them taught Gnosis, but according to the needs of the time and place.

Whenever the Law declines and the purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself on earth. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to re-establish the Law. - Hinduism. Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita 4.7-8
Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. - Christianity. Jesus in the Bible, Matthew 5.17-18
Lo! We inspired you [O Muhammad] as We inspired Noah and the prophets after him, as We inspired Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and Jesus and Job and Jonah and Aaron and Solomon, and as we imparted unto David the Psalms; and messengers We have mentioned to you before and messengers We have not mentioned to you... messengers of good cheer and of warning, in order that mankind might have no argument against God after the messengers. God was ever Mighty, Wise. - Islam. Qur'an 4.163-65
Naught is said unto you [Muhammad] save what was said unto the messengers before you. - Islam. Qur'an 41.43
I have seen an ancient Path, an ancient road traversed by the rightly enlightened ones of former times. - Buddhism. Samyutta Nikaya ii.106
The Master said, "I have transmitted what was taught to me without making up anything of my own. I have been faithful to and loved the Ancients." - Confucianism. Analects 7.1
"All religions have the same principles. Under the sun, every religion is born, grows, develops, multiplies into many sects, and dies. This is how it has always been and will always be. Religious principles never die. The religious forms can die, but the religious principles, in other words, the eternal values, can never die. They continue; they are re-dressed with new forms." - Samael Aun Weor


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Zen / Christian Mysticism Conversation: The Cloud of Unknowing

The Cloud of Unknowing (Middle EnglishThe Cloude of Unknowyng) is an anonymous work of Christian mysticism written in Middle English in the latter half of the 14th century. The text is a spiritual guide on contemplative prayer in the late Middle Ages. The underlying message of this work suggests that the way to know God is to abandon consideration of God's particular activities and attributes, and be courageous enough to surrender one's mind and ego to the realm of "unknowing," at which point, one may begin to glimpse the nature of God.
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite "At the core is a mystical approach to Christian prayer, in which God is found not through rote knowledge, but through 'blind love.' It has been described as Christianity with a Zen outlook."


(Sanskrit, also shunyata; Pali: suññatā), translated into English as emptinessvoidness,[1] openness,[2]spaciousness, or vacuity, is a Buddhist concept which has multiple meanings depending on its doctrinal context. InTheravada Buddhism, suññatā often refers to the not-self (Pāli: anatta, Sanskrit: anātman)[note 1] nature of the five aggregates of experience and the six sense spheres. Suññatā is also often used to refer to a meditative state or experience.


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Monday, December 21, 2015

Reality Theory


Remixed by the Remix Culture

Michael Brown - Finding the Field (Audio) 

Chris Tolworthy - infinite zoom: the inner universe (Video) 

Melody Sheep - Bill Hicks + George Carlin: The Big Electron (Audio)

Intermixture - Travelers Here (ft Push/Pull) (Audio)

God Fractal - Zak & What Army? (Video/Audio)

Alan Watts - Do you do it or does it do you (Audio)

Urban Shaman - DMT Studio Album (Audio)

Harles99 - Arrow Of Time - Milky Way Time Lapse Collection (Video)

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Ascended Masters

In the Ascended Master Teachings, Ascended Masters are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a series of spiritual transformations originally called initiations.  -wiki


Ascended Master - a being who has become Self-Realized and serves humanity;
a being who has raised his/her vibration to a sustained frequency of light.
He/she can come and go at will from the earth plane without the Birth//Death cycle.
Self-Realization - the awareness of our complete and indivisible union with God,
which we are. This also means that the ego-self has come to know itself so clearly,
so lovingly, so wisely that it is no longer run by the Shadow.
When one is in the Illumined State or Self-Realized,
there ceases to be any more inner or outer drama.
The personal ego-self has surrendered fully and willingly into the loving embrace of the Soul

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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Binaural ASMR Reiki Role Play With Guided Breathing Exercise And A Singing Bowl For Relaxation


  1. a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.

For those who need a quick fix:
0:40-1:19 Headphones Over Your Ears
1:20-5:55 Telephone Voice In Fancy Announcer Voice
1:29-7:15 Singing Bowl
2:26-5:36 Guided Breathing Exercise
7:19-10:19 Scanning Your Body With My Hands
10:20-16:11 Sweeping Your Negative Energy Away
12:02-14:49 Pulling Negative Energy Out Of You And Blowing It Away
16:12-18:38 Soft Spoken Reiki Principals
18:39-19:45 Reiki Hand Symbols
20:46-25:15 Reiki Treatment of Eyes, Ears, And Head
22:34-24:03 Ear Cupping aka Ear Covering

Tuning Forks, Smudging, and Scalp Massage:
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