Saturday, November 21, 2015

masculine /or/ feminine natal chart quiz


Are you more Astrologically Feminine or Masculine?

Take a look at the signs that make up your entire astrological chart. Look at all of your planets' signs to get an overall view of how many are in masculine versus feminine signs. You may use the test below to determine if you are mostly masculine or feminine in your overall astrological composition. Take the time to complete the test. Many people are surprised to find they are actually more masculine or feminine than they thought. Most often, we identify with only our sun sign to get a sense of whether we are more masculine or feminine. This can be deceiving. Sometimes the sun sign is overwhelmed by the other signs in your chart. A masculine sun sign, for example, can be overwhelmed by a moon and other planets in feminine signs, or vice versa. 

To Find Out if you are more Feminine or Masculine take the quiz @