By Santokh Singh Khalsa, D.C.
I first heard of the Age of Aquarius from a song in the musical “Hair.” I was a teenager in the 60’s and it sounded really cool. I then started hearing about it again from my teacher, Yogi Bhajan. He came to this country in 1969 and started teaching Kundalini Yoga, a type of yoga that had never been publicly taught before. He could see that many changes were coming that were associated with the shift to the Aquarian Age, and it was time for people to have the tools they would need to transition from the Piscean Age that we had been in for 2000 years, into this new age.
What are these ages? Astronomers will tell you that the Earth rotates on an axis and that this line going through the center of the earth has a slight wobble to it. It goes through a little circular wobble about once every 24,000 years. This cycle has been broken into 12 parts associated with the 12 astrological signs, based on which constellation the axis is wobbling towards. From around 2000 B.C. to 0 A.D. we were in the Age of Taurus. From 0 A.D. to the present we have been in the Age of Pisces. For the next 2000 years we will be in the Aquarian Age. We have been in the transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age for the last 50 years. The official beginning of the Aquarian Age is November 11, 2011 or 11/11/11. Some people have set this date as December 21, 2012. Considering that this is a 2000 year cycle, no matter which date you accept, we are in for lots of change in the near future!
Why is this so important? Many people go their whole lives not caring or knowing if they are a Pisces, or a Gemini, or what their moon or rising sign is. This change to the Aquarian age is so important because it changes the astrological conditions for the entire planet. Every person on planet Earth has been and will be affected by this shift. Let’s investigate what will be changing.